Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa

Holy Shoodabincathlik Batman, I've been obsessing over the last post/confession. It pretty much boils down to ethical behavior and as an ex druggie/alkee/idioticbehavior person I am trying to keep myself accountable for the things I do and say. In this regard I'm reconsidering my action of donating 'copied' work.....as in : would I like it if it was my stuff way.
SO! (and let me don my hair shirt) I've scrapped using those pieces and am donating this very early starting-to-paint-in-acrylic piece, by me, titled: "Early Morning Light -Still Life." Acrylic 20" X 36"
...ahhhh.....now we can sleep.

Intro Poster by the dual husband/wife team of Joe Scorsone and Alice Drueding. Titled "Guilt". Is this not most excellent?! http://www.sdposters.com/ for some more awesomeness.

1 comment:

  1. oh, Maria, this made me laugh!
    Glad you can sleep now. :) xx
