Wednesday, June 2, 2010


....ok...lame, but I needed it to rhyme.....
Moving right along........yes indeedy my faithful follower(s) .....ha ha ha..... we are back after whirlwinding our self about with various arty-farty upsie-daisy life stuff.
Now there's some well thought out and erudite writing for you.
It started out this last Sat. with having an old friend who is a very good wildlife photographer pop up for a visit and having what was just going to be a lunch meeting turn into an all afternoon gallery hop where, as Don was showing the Gallery owner his photos, (I was being 'moral' support because Don said I needed to) we ended up pulling together an impromptu Art Show appearance at the Black Rock Resort. Because at the same time he was showing his prints, there was some folks looking on from the large 'PORCHE' show happening at Black Rock Resort that said 'you need to set up at the resort tonight as we are having our banquet' and so, in the space - literally' - of an hour, we gathered my screens, my easels and I put backings on 5 34 X 36 paintings and whipped down to Black Rock and set up in the lobby.

God, that exhausts me even writing about it!

Wasn't planning on that.....anywhatawaytogetittogetherway, it made for a good evening for Don and I got to talk to a lot of my townsfolk and some great visitors who had some very encouraging things to say about the new series.
Then Sunday and Monday was spent in pulling together a proposal with illustrations for a very large mural project at a resort in Tofino. Which I took out to show to the 'big guy' yesterday. And BOY was I nervous! So other than miscommunication -
and let's just digress for a moment here, shall we? I get asked to 'do' lots of art related things. For instance: paintings or special dolls or murals. Now, usually, I try to sit down with the said client and figure out what they are envisioning etc. It tends to be a bit 'hit or miss' at times as when you are visual you can explain what you see but when you're not....not so much explaining goes on. So sometimes I do up my 'rough sketch' presentation and get a luke warm response that I find is because it really wasn't what they wanted. sigh. Communication can be a tricky thing. I usually have to do a few sketches before we end up on the same page...and that's ok, a bit time consuming, but ok. Worst case scenario is I end up with some 'extra' work to add to the portfolio.
So: back to your regularly scheduled sentence - The sketch I did was not really what the fellow had in mind - well, he said "I like your beach scenes" and I took it as he LIKED my BEACH scenes and did a lovely pic of the painting you see above but what was really wanted was a light hearted colorful sea creature theme as lots of kids use the pool room.
Oh, did I mention they want the mural in the pool room? That is a whole other can of worms but I'll save that story until I get a firm answer on the status of the mural.
So any whatalotofyapyapyapway, we are redrawing the mural idea for the fellow today using a lot of my sea creatures as in the mural I painted at Jamie's (go to my web site and check out the mural section - you can click link on my pic here)
I'd better stop now and get cracking!

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