Monday, June 11, 2012

Top to Bottom

In the midst of all the kleenex heavy action going on lately, there's been a few other things. So this is the 'catch-up' post and we start at the top:

My new hair - a kindof all-sorts of things which, my hairdresser informs me, is a 'one-of' because she will never ever again be able to reproduce the effects she got from trying to get my hair away from the red. Someone told me the other day that it reminded them of a calico cat and considering that's what Jams is, I relate. Mind you the other side of this equation is the fact I now resemble my pet and that's getting dangerously close to 'cat lady'.
 Sigh bloody sigh.
(And I was playing around with my Photoshop for all the cool swirly effects. 
Yeah, it's boring being sick......)

Speaking of Jams, this is the situation with the computer chair now:

Open defiance. Where will it all end.....

And last, but not least, what I've been doing to pass the time: ( between nose blowing )

OREO - The Juggler
Soft Sculpture Art Doll 

I guess if I really was following the post title I'd have put the doll in between the hair and Jams....blame it on the pudding brain.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Just finding you. Your sense of humor tickles me. Love your little doll creations, especially this Oreo. I oil paint. Wish you had a follow button so I could easily return...

    If you do add one, please contact me to let me know. I'd want to follow you, but not by email.
