Friday, September 17, 2010


And this a.m. in the email box:

Dear Marla, Congratulations! I’m happy to tell you that you’ve been chosen as The Artist’s Magazine’s October 2011 Artist of the Month. As you know, your painting Disconnect was chosen as a finalist in our 27th Annual Art Competition, which is how you came to our attention. I’ve enclosed a questionnaire (AotM Questionnaire.doc) so we can get to know you and your artwork better. Also enclosed is a contract (Artist’s Agreement.pdf) that permits us to reproduce your artwork. We’ll also need a digital file of the artwork. The digital specs are 72 dpi/resolution with a size of at least 500 pixels high or wide. The image can be emailed to me. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by any of the means listed below. We prefer e-mailed responses if at all possible. Sincerely, (etc.)

Mind you I can't open the questionnaire doc.

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